Tuesday, 20 May 2008

NESTA Innovate08

Today I went to conference hosted by the National Endowment for Science Technology and The Arts. Speaking at this event was Bob Geldof, Gordon Brown and a host of creative/political cronies.

It was a good event on the whole: some good speakers, others not so good. Gordon Brown was surprisingly uplifting and dynamic considering the bas press he gets (he obviously doesn't have a special relationship with Murdoch unlike PM Blair did). For those that didnt know, Geldof has genuine gravitas and charisma which is backed up by thorough thought - he was not over the top, and made some really good responses to questions he was posed. I particularly liked the bit about education in this country, and the importance of allowing creativity within our populace at all levels, including school - there was a hint of blame towards current 'box ticking' pedagogy pushed by the government, and I think 99% of those active within education would agree with what Bob and the others said.

The organisation NESTA funds research and business start-ups into innovative applications of technology, and there was plenty on show today. I saw revolutionary real-time wifi video broadcast, bursaries for budding science film makers, and many other cutting edge products developed with the guidance and gold of the organisation.

The one thing that was appallingly un-innovative was the production of the event, which had hammy vision mixing and the most terribly cliched motivational music. It was a good job the food was good otherwise I may have screamed when "We Are The Champions" came on for the fourth time.

Keep an eye on NESTA if you are developing science/technology/art!!

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